Tuesday, May 08, 2007


while in italy i saw a bunch of italian versions of people i knew. one of the doubles was of my good friend daxi and i decided this time i would take his picture because he was on the phone and wouldn't notice anyway. and if he did notice me i would just pretend to be taking a picture of the duomo or battistero.

here is my friend and his heavier italian double.

i think there is a resemblence, but i wonder what dax or other people would think. i bet that since i look a lot different in my own mind than in real life, then it is possible that other people look different in my mind too.

and p.s. friends, if you ever see my doppelganger then take her picture, so i can see too!


dax said...

Well, when my mom saw the picture she said, "Oh, that's a nice picture of you." She had to look again to realize it wasn't me. And if my Mom thinks I look like the guy...

Anonymous said...

I had know idea what a doppelganger was when I clicked the link from a sad gold. When the photos came up I thought..."Gee, Dax got kinda heavy..." That's amazing. A few years ago my doppleganger was spotted by a bunch of my co-workers. Several of them independently insisted they saw me riding my bike through the streets of Hopkinton. Not me.

suz said...

and how often are you ever able to take their picture to show it to them. that was just luck!

Anonymous said...

oh my dod it is fat italian dax