i just returned from my birthiversary trip to italy. (in case you are wondering, a birthiversary is what happens when you get married on y'r birthday.) i sent a message to my jess'ca and she said that i needed to post it for my blog. she's my wifee so i do what she says. she knows everything. so here it is...private bits edited out and with minor grammatical changes.
most of our trip was spent in firenze (florence). we also did some time in pisa and sienna. instead of going to another country, it felt more like i went to another time. everyone looked the same-ish. everywhere, every person spoke english, so it didn't feel foreign. and unlike say, in costa rica, you really couldn't spot the locals from the americans--unless they were fat and you knew they were one of ours. occasionally, italians, most likely also tourists would come up and start conversations with us that we couldn't understand. apparently, they couldn't see a difference either. so basically it felt the same, the only difference being the architecture and art were all 500 years old and beautiful. beautiful. beautiful.
the medici, assholes that they may have been, really knew how to live. their palace (palazzo piti) and garden (boboli) was one of my favorite days of the trip.
the uffizi was also incredible. i can't believe i saw so many masterpieces in a number of minutes. it's like bam! bam! bam! all the ninja turtles right after another.
wow that's beautiful! oh its a michelangelo. gee that's really nice; oh it's rafael. etc.
my mouth opened uncontrollably when i saw the real david. even from far away he is stunning. not stunning hot, just jaw-dropping awesome. it's like the difference between a large-format darkroom print and a picture on y'r camera phone. it's the details that set michelangelo's shit apart. i could see david's veins from like 100 feet away. and btw, isn't he supposed to be jewish?!
all that sad, the food was not what i expected. i love to eat. i love italian food even. but all the restaurants served the same shit. it's not like just having pasta everyday. it was the pasta dishes were all the same, meat dishes all the same and salads all the same. you want a sammich? it's ham, cheese and salami. those are the only options. just no variety. my favorite find was this turkish wrap joint that never had any customers except for us. that shit was delicous. the meat was rotisseried and spicy and it had a yummy sauce. good stuff. i did develop an addiction to gellati and have been having withdrawals. i'm hoping the pina colada i get later today will act as my methadone.
the weather was perfect and the trip was absolutely lovely. i'd do it again, but i have so many other places to see first, that might be many years from now.
ciao darlings!

here we are smooching in the giardino bardini with central firenze in the background.