last night i finished off the last pack of liquid sleepytime goodness. and the thought of staying up all night tonight with my head full of shit did not appeal to me. so today at lunch i stopped by the walgreens across from the office. the one next to the cab stand, so i was really risking my life for this stuff. that's how good it is!
anyhoo. i see that now they have about 98 million types of theraflu and i decide i should go with the one that promises to get all this shit out my chest. i whip some up after lunch to take the chill off, because it is colder than a witch's tit outside, and to make my body stop aching like an 80 year old woman. it smells of orange and looks about the color of tang, my favorite childhood drink. i take a sip and nearly vomit. this is not how i imagined i would be getting the shit out my chest. why can't it just taste like the other theraflu? it tastes nothing like orange, the best way i could describe what i am tasting is. wait let me taste it again to be sure. yes, the best way to describe the flavor is burnt, rubber shoe soles. that is so wrong!

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