so, the other day i made an exciting discovery. one of my heroes, john kennedy (puppeteer, not president) has a show on activity tv, which is part of comcast's on-demand programming. i had to watch every episode--each containing some kind of fuzzy fabric, googley eyes, an 8 year old kid with better acting abilities than poor john, and in the end an awesome puppet. i wanted to tell everyone! then i realized, no one cares.
people over the age of 8 who like puppets are weird. or people who have ferrets, or people who wear fuzzy hats with bear ears, or people who play papier mache, or people who answer to mOnster, or people who put capital letters in the middle of words, weird.
i've always known that i was weird, but i have always seen myself as different from (i.e. better than) the other freaks you see in the world. you know, like the cowboy who plays guitar in his underpants, or the lady that takes her cat for walks in a stroller, or people who attend renaissance faires in period garb. but the enjoyment i got out of watching those little puppet shows made me realize something. i might just be that weird.
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