first, i would like to make the point that i am a crafty person. i enjoy homemade gifts. i like to make things for my friends and loved ones. i'd much rather get something handmade or personal. even handmade by someone else, is better than generic off the shelf b.s.
the point of my blog wasn't to say, "don't make things for your boyfriend! that's stupid!" no. my point was, "don't make stupid things for your boyfriend!" boys don't like flowers and hearts. if they did, they would get them for each other. if you want to embroider something, don't go embroider "sweet dreams handsome prince" on his pillow case. go embroider some kick ass design on a shirt that might actually mean something to him. here is an awesome example of a well thought out, homemade gift. this was made by jennadikes on craftster.

so to wrap things up, the point isn't girls shouldn't make gifts for boys. the point is make the poor boys something they would like for a change. they will love you no matter what. but no way they are bringing that girly pillowcase to band practice to show their friends.