I was really trying hard to work on my OCD. I hit up the B&N psychology aisle and found one book that looked decent and bought it. So far it has not been money well-spent. I did, however, also find a workbook for adults with ADHD (same aisle). Now, this book, I like! I haven't gotten very far and I haven't followed the directions very well (Why would I, I have ADD?) but I'm a fan. The chapters are really short and break things down even further in small digestible bits. The book advised me to do two things so far--get a notebook and a calendar and write everything down in them and nowhere else. I've been working with a calendar for a few years and I think it is a must. The notebook thing I've never tried but it sounds swell. Firstly, because I forget everything. (You would too if your mind thought it needed to have an opinion on every feeling, person, sound, smell and object around you all at the same time.) Second, because I know I will forget, I end up using post-its and notepads and miscellaneous scrap pages to make notes and lose them. I'm very hopeful that if I can stick with this it might actually help me, even if it is a tiny and obvious idea. I also think if I can manage my ADHD a little better, I would be more productive, less stressed and less likely to obsess. YAY!